There is nothing quite like going home to relax and readjust. This visit to PA was spectacular. Not only did I get reconnect I had a most wonderful walk in the woods with one of my childhood friends whom I haven't seen in well over 25 years.
It is strange to think about how much time has passed between us yet how easily we were able to catch up. It was as if no time passed at all. Our personalities have pretty much stayed the same throughout our respective journeys and sitting and talking with my friend for hours that early Sunday morning was not only truly uplifting, it was spiritual. I am looking forward to hiking and talking with her again soon.
Of course, what hike wouldn't be complete without some photos? Just a few of the shots I took on the trail in the mountains of PA. I sorta consider this my backyard.
Can you see him?....
Of course packing up and coming back to the city was tough. Every time I return I find something "odd" has happened. Either a pet has run off or they have died or something crazy is in full steam and I walk into it. This time around I found the religious statue of Mary I am currently painting (cause if you are an artist and are Catholic you KNOW you'll be painting everyone's statues) covered with worms. I have no IDEA why or what these things are, but they certainly have a sense of humor. It definitely lightened the reality of being back here in this city.