Tuesday, June 30, 2015

When It Gets Quiet

For Sale: Moxie resin
Mixed media X Jenn Danza
$550 ppd in USA
Time payments accepted.

When it gets quiet here a good place to check out is my Instagram page. Some days my work in the studio just sweeps me away and I don't get a chance to blog about the activities, but I do like to take photos of stuff in progress and I do that on my Instagram page.

I have been extremely busy with commissions, repairs and sales items in the studio as of late. At the moment I am totally in love with Sarah Rose's new sculpture "Moxie" and had the pleasure of painting two for sales. One has already sold, but the appy remains and I happily accept time payments. jenndanza@gmail.com

Moxie resin from the back.
Lots and lots of yummy details on her.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Changing Of The Guard

All brushes go here.

Since 1990 I've continually used the same container to wash all my brushes out. The bowl was an old discarded soup bowl with a nifty "Mushroom Soup" recipe around the body. This was my water container of choice. The container followed me throughout college and through my professional life as an illustrator and into my adventures in the model horse industry as a full time artist.

Every paint mark left and every every chip created more and more character throughout the years. Yesterday, one of those chips traveled into a crack and this loved art supply had to be retired. It will now hold brushes and has been replaced with a brand new water container! I felt it was blog worthy as this art supply is the most used art supply in my studio. No project can get past without having spent some time with the water mug.

So to the new "Joy" mug with happy snowmen cheering me on through every art project, illustration and horse painting…….cheers and happy painting for many more years!!

The crack that doomed the mug.

The happy new replacement!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New Ear

Dab glue and baking soda
on the base of the horse's head.

I was very happy to acquire another G1 Breyer Saddlebred Stablemate from a friend most recently. He came as a little "fixer upper" with a bent leg and a missing ear.

Sometimes ears break all the way down to the base of the skull and the method to fixing such an area can be messy. Such messy fixes make for great blog entries though and I documented this ear fix today in the studio.

Using various Dremel bits
slowly drill away at the blob.

It's now starting to really take shape.
Drill slowly taking breaks as needed.

After much drilling
the blob now resembles an ear.