Sunday, December 5, 2010


My tile from the Flying Heart
Terra Cotta Tile Fund

As requested by Sarah Mink I've gone ahead, pulled out the tile I was given for the Flying Heart Terra Cotta Tile Fundraiser and destroyed it before midnight. The project is over and any that were left unfinished were asked to be destroyed.

I was planning a great scene with two little mice holding onto the heart right there in the middle of the horse. A pure love explosion! The seashells came out perfectly and were to be the most serene backdrop for my lovers. I had it all planned then I never finished the piece. I feel terrible as my vision for this piece was unique and I really wanted to see if all the elements would work out well in the end.

As requested by Sarah I took a hammer to it tonight and smashed it. It sort felt good to smash some china on purpose.

Smashed to bits

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