Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Collection and An Oberon

A Rose "Oberon" in
progress. Will be FS soon.

I've been silent because I've been working with Divine Rooms on some decorative painting jobs which has taken me away from the studio. I'm enjoying the work and find that when I come home to the studio I can't wait to put some glaze on some horses. Each job you work on inspires the rest it seems. This Oberon is being glazed with very light washes of dark bay. It's a time consuming process, but the richness that is produced is worth the time spent.

I also have been meaning to share some of the hearts from my "heart collection" with you. Most recently I've noticed hearts everywhere. I started to take shots of them with my phone and have quite a collection growing. I think it's pretty wild. None of these images have been altered. What you see is what was there right in front of me. Some of them (actually most) appeared when I seemed to need a little pick me up. :)

My Heart Collection:

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