Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Easel...

My easel has been calling me for about a month now. I managed to ignore it till last night. Last night it got the best of me and BAD! In a frenzy I pulled out my painting supplies dusted them off and just dove into an image from my head. Now that I'm several hours into the project I really wish I had reference or a model. Stuff isn't working well and it's because I didn't plan ahead. I didn't plan because I figured my painting jag would last an hour and I'd mush some oils around and be done. Nope. Not only was it pure bliss I feel the need to paint again today and have graphics flowing through my brain like text and hard lines which I want to incorporate into the next piece. Between the oil painting attack and being inspired by Anahata Katkin I get the feeling something major is brewing. Something new perhaps.....

Here is the rest of the progression this piece took. Once the painting dries fully I hope I can fix that face.....and the body.....and those trees....and....

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