Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vendoring at the Park Color Craze Show in Ithaca.

I love a good model horse show and the Park Color Craze Show in Ithaca proved to be a fun one filled with good company, laughs, and gorgeous horses. I'm extremely inspired by all the wonderful pieces people were showing today. I was most intrigued by all the dappled horses at the show and all the different ways all artists represent dapples.

At the show I offered touch up for horses that didn't transport too well. I had a nice stream of customers looking to have nicks, rubs and breaks fixed and was happy to bring pieces back to show quality for owners.

I showed a few horses myself but my boy "Lorenzo" did wonderful and I couldn't resist putting him the "brag box" and snapping a few shots of his wins. Overall, a very fun time.

Touch up section.
Horses come in...horses go out all new again.

Make shift work bench on a carrying tub.

My boy winning a bit at the show.
If he could eat carrots he'd have extra tonight.

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