Saturday, June 25, 2011

Workbench & Sketchbook

View from the side
of the lake at Francis Slocum Park

Today I visited Francis Slocum Park with my son and good friends. It was nice to get out and be with people and just flesh out a few surroundings. I was only able to get a few sketches in the book. Seemed rude to just sit there and draw all day but I honestly could have if given the opportunity.

I seem to remember drawing this same view over 20 years ago when I went to Marywood College. I may have to try and find the old sketchbook I think the view is in. It would be fun to compare how the view has changed artistically for me. There were many people fishing today too. These two intrigued me and I tried to flesh them out discretely.

Love the belly
That was fun to draw


Work has begun in the studios once again. Felt good to be back at the drafting table. I have several pieces being worked on at once but was very excited about painting bay so I started both the Telsa and the Working Girl resins. Both will be bay (or bay with white patterning.) All in all, work is going smoothly and I'm very happy with the new studio.

Working Girl resin
Will be bay tobiano with wild cat tracks

Telsa resin
Will be bay

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