Thursday, January 24, 2013

Freezing & Kissy Spots

A lethal thing of beauty.

It's been absolutely freezing in the Northeast this last week. School closings and delays have been welcome though as such events gave me a bit more time in the studio as my son dove into massive adventures with his toys.

My focus this week has been on a Sarah Rose "Working Girl" resin. Her details have been particularly fun to paint and I documented her "kissy" spots as I felt it might be interesting to see, especially for newbie painters. The general concept is really quite simple but sometimes seeing the steps is better than any description. Enjoy! And if you're in a cold area of the world, stay warm!

Working Girl resin with pink muzzle.
She's ready for some kissy spots.

Two colors used on her. Mars Black and Titanium White

Mix a small dab of black into the white.

Add the lightest grey color on the muzzle.

Take a darker version of the light grey and
add on top of of the light grey.
Leave a light grey edge around entire spot.

Another view of the spots when finished.

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