Monday, August 18, 2008

Just Hangin'

Caterpillar hangin' out in Brooklyn

This past weekend was about hangin' out. Hangin' with family and hangin' out with friends pool side. After a busy week house wise and studio wise (especially dealing with the new spray formula) a weekend of not thinking about work was a nice diversion.

Today was especially good as our friends came for a visit. It was nice to just watch our children play together and enjoy the warmth of the sun in the cool pool. I'm glad for the day today. I am rejuvenated beyond words. Seeing the children smiling and having fun was just what I needed. I am ready to take on whatever this week brings me. That means (maybe) dealing with the whole mess of sprays I ordered last Friday. And I mean, I ordered everything on the market in North America that was matte. One spray out of that entire order just has to work like the Citadel sprays. I'm staying positive.

Hedgie #22

I was also happy to forget today that the very last hedgehog from the "Hedgie the Hedgehog" run is currently up at auction and his run is now officially coming to a close. I'm really sorta sad to see the last one leave me. I learned so much about moldmaking, producing porcelain figurines and custom glazing in this run that a sweet spot will always remain with me whenever I think of Hedgie. If you are curious you can catch the very last hedgehog on eBay.

So with that, I'm off to pick a few tomatoes from my garden. They have been small but plentiful and amazingly delicious this year. Perfect little sandwich tomatoes that cut perfectly without much sliminess. Eating them straight off the vine while they are still warm from the sun is my favorite way to eat them. Mmmm....

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