Saturday, April 25, 2009


Black n Tan Commission in progress

Morta...this post is about that awful inevitable. The goddess sorta took a bit of a rest here in our household and won't leave it seems.

First, the meanest rattie I have ever owned, (from Petco I must add) Fawn up and died. Not before she came to me, curled up and started being nice and friendly. :/ Too little, too late, but I'll take it. She was scared. Then Toby gets ill, badly ill and has to be put down. Next, we missed the little hint on the Sea Monkeys website which states: "For better results feed only HALF the small spoonful of Sea Monkey food the first time you feed."


Cue four year old crying and mom reassuring him that the Sea Monkeys were greeted by Fawn and Toby and that God takes everything back to Him and that new ones are on the way. New Sea Monkeys in no time.

Of course, all joking aside, we did have another death in the family. My father-in-law's brother passed after a very long and painful battle with cancer. He is at peace and despite another wake to attend it will be nice and comforting to see all our family again this afternoon.

Another comfort on the flip side of death is of course, life. All new babies are a joy and as I watch all the birds outside in our yard chasing each other and preparing their nests I think about my new baby ratties coming home in May. When I contacted the breeder I had no idea I wouldn't have any rats left by the time my new babies were ready to greet me. I figured I'd be a house with six rats. Nope.

Photo: © 2009 Meghan of Paper Heart Rattery
Coming soon my gal Petunia

Photo: © 2009 Meghan of Paper Heart Rattery
Coming soon my gal Cinderella
Yep, she's nekkid!

Not only are the new babies ready, but I was also asked by another rat lover if I could help rescue a rattie from LaGuardia College Science Dept and the call couldn't have come at a more perfect time! I heartily agreed to give a rattie who has helped others learn through the sciences a home.

So, hopefully, Morta will have grown tired of her stay soon and the house will be bursting with new life and friends AND with new Sea Monkeys too.

Enjoy your weekend.

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