Kite flyingWhat a view! There is no doubt that the scenery at my parent's home, the home I grew up in, is picturesque. Coming back was exactly what we all needed. The city is wonderful but the many aspects of it can drain a person. Nothing like the fresh air, beautiful sky and something as simple as flying a kite to set the spirits soaring again.
Stoneware set
Napkin holdersFor me, seeing my best friend from home again was one of the highlights. I have not seen her in years and we just sat and talked and talked and talked at her shower. It was as if I had never left. To be able to pick up where we left off was a gift. It was great. It should be done more often. We vowed to do it more often. My gift was very well received and I was very proud when she sent some of the pieces around the room for the other ladies to hold and view. I personally think it is my best set to date.
Of course, a trip home to PA would not be complete without a walk in my woods. More land has been leveled. I couldn't help myself and started to cry. I'm not sure who, in their right mind, would build their house on coal ash banks
(certainly not me) but I wish whomever decides to do that all the luck in the world. They are going to need all the luck they can get. A good portion of the ash bank was STILL burning from the coal mines all those years ago.
This time walking in the woods found me really looking at the ground for color variations. I wasn't sure if I could find clay in my hometown but I was on the hunt and the more I searched the more I really wanted to find clay. Bring in dad to the rescue!
Gallons of "wild" clayHe drove me all the way up the mountain and back again and it got to the point where it didn't matter if we ever found the clay. It was just wonderful to be with him again talking and laughing. Just being around his calm personality was rejuvenating. We are alike. So much alike and we just have always gotten along well. I could spend all day with him and not say much. Just smile and enjoy his quiet ways.
I am happy to say though that we found both red clay AND grey clay and I gathered up as much of it as I could. He just laughed at me. All the jewelry in the world wouldn't make me as excited as I got when I spotted that grey clay outside the truck. I leaped out of the truck, ran to it, plunged my hand right into the clay and soaked in the sensations of ooze around my fingers.
Straight from the ground it rolled
beautifully in my hands.Right now I am preparing it for the wheel and hand building. If I can get only one vessel or object fired from this clay as a reminder of the weekend and of my beloved woods, I will be happy. If I get more then that is a bonus! My mind is on overdrive right now. I can't wait to sit at my wheel and watch this clay form in my hands.
What a fantastic weekend in every sense of the word!
First step: dry in the sun.