Sunday, September 21, 2008

All About The Bump

Main event at the baby shower

What a beautiful belly! When everyone was snapping away at the mom-to-be holding up her presents, I couldn't help it, I had to take a picture of cousin Nadia's baby bump at her shower. It was a most perfect round shape with the most delightful black and blue patterned dress draped ever so lightly over it. I'm feeling inspired to draw critters with baby bumps now.

Mama mouse taking a break

Inspiration has been taking me down many different paths recently. It's been a fast and furious ride that has me rather confused. Where are we going? Perhaps we can slow down a little?

The urge to revisit the children's stories I had created years ago and submitted several times to many different publishers has been strong as of late. In an urge to quiet my muse (and ultimately show her that this book writing adventure was a stupid idea from the very beginning in the 1990s) I dusted off one story in particular about a little mouse who doesn't quite fit in.

The story really stunk. During my many submissions to major publishers I received pretty much the same critique, but in a gentler way. Revisiting it for a few minutes the other day brought back a few images that had been tucked away deep in the folds of my brain. This morning I can't stop trying to bring them out in my sketchbook with my trusty old "good luck" drawing pencil. Reading the words aloud brought on some editing which made parts flow better, which ultimately made me stop and rethink my journey with this story.

Baby mouse wonders how many brothers
and sisters she will have soon.

I probably should have left well enough alone and honestly tried to, but something just won't let me. It's plaguing me during the day and even at night. Ever dream about being somewhere or doing something really fun only to find in the morning when you wake that it was all not real? That happens to me with art. I draw or paint the most amazing pieces in my dreams and wake to find the images aren't real yet which then plagues me the rest of the day till I pick up a pencil and try to bring the images to fruition.

This children's story has been that way of late. It's in the background drumming on and getting louder the more I ignore it. What can an artist do but grab a drum and join in? I guess my personal advice to myself as my muse whizzes me along on this weird journey as of late is to hang on and hang on TIGHT!

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