Thursday, September 11, 2008

In 1992

Skyline from the past

In 1992 I had to take a black and white photography class at Pratt. Believe it or not, I dreaded this class. I disliked spending the money on the camera, the darkroom equipment and the film. I hated taking photos and I dreaded taking my new fully manual Pentax camera outside my dorm room even more. The class was a requirement for all illustration students and at least two rolls of film that semester had to be devoted to something revolving around the city. So, a group of us students headed out to the promenade in Brooklyn to capture the Manhattan skyline.

The day was cold and I was miserable. I wish I weren't so disgruntled that day because years later on the seventh anniversary of 9-11 I am fully appreciating this one and only photograph of the NYC skyline I bothered to take that, was the one and only skyline shot I believe I have ever taken and kept. I took one once with my digital camera as we zoomed past the towers along the parkway, but I threw it in the trash cause I thought the shot was boring and honestly, I took the towers for granted. Yep, I remember not wanting to take this one and only photo that day cause it was such a trite shot. I knew my teacher wouldn't even give it the time of day and so I didn't bother. I would give anything to be able to take this shot again today in the year 2008. I wish with all my might I could really do that. I wish...

My prayers today go out to all the families and their loved ones who perished on that terrible day. God Bless America.
Never forget.

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