Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't Forget the Chestnuts

"Sheeza resin in roan.
This one had her chestnuts. Im
just showing her off a bit.

"Don't forget the chestnuts! Did you paint them?"

That's what my model horse friends and I were always saying to each other when we would either get together for our painting/pastel parties or when we would share our latest creations via online forum party with one another. There was a 50-50% chance we did forget to paint them. We said it so often to one another that it has become ritual to say it before sending a horse back to it's owner.

But what happens if the chestnuts aren't sculpted on the horse to begin with? This Weather Girl mold was missing her back chestnuts. I noticed it as I went through my check list of "to dos" before the final photo shoot. Even if the horse is complete this technique is fast and easy rendering absolutely no ill effects. All you need is Liquitex Modeling Paste, a brush, and your paints.

Missing the chestnuts

Modeling Paste dries FAST
and adheres strongly.

I only use Liquitex Modeling Paste as it has marble dust in it which seems to make it very strong. It dries fast and can be painted over in acrylics or oils.

Start by scooping out a bit of paste onto a paper palette. Close the jar up immediately. This paste dries very quick. (Also note that if you have been using it often it's best to skim down the sides, remove old or slightly drying paste, and add a bit of water to the top portion of the paste. Let the water just sit on the paste. You can always mix thoroughly when you go to use it again.) If you don't take precautions with the paste each time you use it it will dry up hard as a rock very quick. Trust me. I know. I've ruined many a jar until I worked on skimming walls with my father over the summer. Drywall buckets have to be carefully scraped and protected otherwise the bucket goes bad really fast. Realizing this fast drying issue was the same problem I've always had with my modeling paste, even when I closed the lid tight, I decided to try the drywall method and it's worked beautifully for months.

Load your paint brush with paste and then place the paste in the area you need to fix. (This paste is also excellent for those rogue resin pinholes that seem to pop up when the piece is completed.) Wash your brush out well and then wait about 10 minutes for the area to dry fully. Paint. Done!

Oh, and if you don't like the look of the chestnut or the size the paste can be picked off if it hasn't had about 24 hours to set up fully. It can also be sanded if it has set up.

Add paste with an ordinary paint brush

Finished and ready for the shoot

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